Vaibhav Baranwal

I am a Writer

Vaibhav Baranwal

Full Stack Developer, Developer in C, C++, Java and Python,Working on Data Science and Machine Learning
Persuing Masters of Computer Application from National Institute of Technology

  • H. No. 180, Kabir Nagar, Durgakund, Varanasi, U.P., India.
  • +91-9026137210

My Professional Skills

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Python Development 85%
Full Stack Web Development 70%
App Development 75%
Communication Skills 80%

Web Development

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Front-End Web Development

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Back-End Web Development

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completed mini projects
real life project
current projects
  • English to English Dictionary using python

    English to English Dictionary using python

    Dictionary is a book that contains a list of the words in a language in the order of the alphabet and that tells you what they mean, in the same or another language or a book that lists the the words connected with a particular subject and tells you what they mean.


    This project is a English to English dictionary. This program is developed using python’s Tkinter GUI toolkit for front-end and using python for backend.

    User Interface: its user interface will give a feeling of searching anything on any search engineWhile developing it, I had Google’s user interface in my mind.

    Features: As this software is a English to English dictionary so it’s work is to provide meaning of English word in English.

    This is not just a dictionary, it can also work as a similar word finder also. For example when you enter a word which don’t exist, it will show some words similar to that word.

    When user enters a non sense word ex. Kjhjkbkjebfkjebfjkjk or njkadbbfjkb it won’t show any suggestions.

  • Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe Game

    Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe Game


    As we all know about TIC TAC TOE game is a very famous game for many years. In past years, it can only be played with pen and paper by using cross and zero. Nowadays, as our technology is enhancing it has changed its place from paper to technical gadgets. It is straightforward to understand and use by the players. In this, all the gaming rules are the same as the real language C now we are going to implement the TIC TAC TOE game using python. In this python project, we are going to develop an interactive game where two players will be able to play against each other or a single player against computer player in suitable GUI by using a keyboard and mouse in their PCs.

    Tic Tac Toe game can be played by two players where the square block (3 x 3) can be filled with a cross (X) or a circle (O). The game will toggle between the players by giving the chance for each player to mark their move. When one of the players make a combination of 3 same markers in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line the program will display which player has won, whether X or O. In this software I’ve implemented a 3x3 tic-tac-toe game. The game is designed so that one player or two players can play tic-tac-toe using this software. Overall program works without any bugs and is able to play the game more than once.

    Modes: This software was created focusing on Single Player game, which means player will play with Artificial Intelligence, which have 3 difficulty levels

    1.     Easy Mode: In easy mode the computer player will play dumb, like a little child. That mean anyone can beat the computer player just by giving a little effort.

    2.     Normal Mode: In normal mode, the computer player will play game consciously, which means that defeating the computer player will be little harder but, one can still win the game by putting good efforts.

    3.     Hard Mode: In hard mode, which is the best part of this game, the computer player will play the game very well or at its best, which means defeating the computer player is nearly impossible. No one has ever beaten the computer player in Hard mode this is why we call it Unbeatable mode.

    User Interface: This software was created using python and python’s Tkinter GUI toolkit. In the home screen there are option to choose the game options like Single player or Multiplayer and the mode (Easy, Normal and Hard). In the game section, Play box is in the left side of screen, where player have to click to choose position. And the Score Board is in the right side of the screen where user can see the Difficulty Level, Number of Played games, Winning records of Player and Computer, Number of games where no one wins and Home button which leads to the home screen.


    RAM           :    1 GB and above

    Processor    :    Intel Duel Core and above

    Monitor       :   15” colour monitor and above

    Keyboard    :    Not necessarily required

    Mouse          :    Compatible Mouse


     This software can run on every system but some issue has been seen in some computers with RAM less than 2 GB. The problem is with the Unbeatable mode, in some cases computer player has skipped it’s chance which result’s the player can play its chance twice and it leads to winning of player in Unbeatable mode.

  • Godson Word Editor Software

    Godson Word Editor Software

    Notepad is the most common text editor used by almost all computer literate people. It is used to create simple documents. It saves files in plain text format (ANCI text) and supports only a few formatting options. And this software is a complete Notepad and more.

    This software is a text editor in Python. This text editor, developed in a Python platform, is a replication of the word editors we all are familiar with and which we use quite often on a daily basis. The only difference being that, this editor has been created using Tkinter for the front-end interface and using Python for the back-end coding. The text edited in the editor could be stored in the desired location.


    This editor is a simple editor, very similar to that of a notepad editor that extends the basic features to the end-user like:


    File open: User can either open the files already existing in the system or open a new blank file. 

    Files save: one can save the file in any desired location. The file is stored in the location specified by the user.

    Cut-Copy-Paste: This editor also lets the user cut-copy-paste the edited text.


    Undo: The user is allowed to undo the text edited. This feature allows letter by letter undo.


    Find text: The user can search through the entire document edited using this feature to locate the specified word(s). This is a search feature of the editor. The user can find if the specified word is repeated in the document again using the “Find Next” feature.


    Font: This feature extends the user to change the font style of the edited text.


    Theme: There are several themes are given in the software like light, red, white etc. But most usable one is the Dark Theme.


    Bold-Italic-Underline: This editor also lets the user Bold-Italic-Underline the edited text.


    Align Text: This editor also lets the user Align the text in right, left or center as user’s desired.


    Text Colour: User can select the text colour as desired.



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